Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Let's Talk, It's Break

I do, and maybe youtoo, had an account (or more, I guess and no doubt) of any social media that exist in this internet frickin' remember the name, I mean network. I knew the internet since I was in 4th grade. Oh, don't compare me with kids these days. I was afraid, too afraid.

Let's share it. My first account was e-mail. Keep guessing which domain I registered to. And you know what, I'm still using that e-mail account, woohoo (dramatically throws confetti). I made that up for commonly kids reason, for activated my other account. For a fun account as other kids did. And I still don't accept the fact that I used internet for the first time to finish up a homework. Sharing a bunch of quotes special for you about social media living. Enjoy it, beloved readers.

“Distracted from distraction by distraction” 
― T.S. Eliot

“You are what you share.” 
― C.W. Leadbeater, We Think: The Power Of Mass Creativity

“There are many things of which a wise man might wish to be ignorant” 
― Ralph Waldo Emerson

“We are continuously challenged to discover new works of culture—and, in the process, we don’t allow any one of them to assume a weight in our minds.” 
― Alain de Botton

“Social media allows us to behave in ways that we are hardwired for in the first place - as humans. We can get frank recommendations from other humans instead of from faceless companies.” 
― Francois Gossieaux, The Hyper-Social Organization: Eclipse Your Competition by Leveraging Social Media

“Social media spark a revelation that we, the people, have a voice, and through the democratization of content and ideas we can once again unite around common passions, inspire movements, and ignite change.” 
― Brian Solis, Engage: The Complete Guide for Brands and Businesses to Build, Cultivate, and Measure Success in the New Web

So, what is your first goal on the internet?


  1. this is such a great post! you're totally right :) I have a new outfit post on my blog and I would die if you could check it out and give me some feedback <3 have a great wednesday!

    xoxo chloewithadash.blogspot.com

  2. lol. i first used the internet to... damn, why is it so hard to recall.
    i guess, i was first introduced to the internet at school. i think i was at junior school at that time (or so) and i used it to make an email to open up a FRIENDSTER a/c! lol, good times.


    1. ooh it was a good times too!
      and nice to know you, sartob x

  3. the second quote is my fave, you are what you share!


  4. Thank you so much for your sweet comment on my blog! :)
    I love the third quote the best xx
    Great post!
    Hope you're having a lovely Friday!xx

    ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ Creme de la Chic ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡

  5. hmm... I don't really know my goal with internet....just having fun?? :)

    thanks for visiting my blog....

    Love, Leonita

  6. nice post! your blog is very lovely and interesting. im glad if you visit my blog, too <3



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